Monday, October 7, 2013

IT&C Investments in Romania

As the majority of countries in Central Eastern Europe Romania revealed highly challenging resources for investments in various technological domains. There are some clearly attractive aspects that cannot be ignored and these naturally relate to solid incentive programs, creative and passionate people, good IT skills and a top class broadband internet service. The technology investments in Romania cover quite a large spectrum since education continues to provide highly trained specialists able to perform according to western standards. The IT&C area particularly developed as internet came to effectively complement a self-taught generally met pattern, obviously reinforced by university education. At the beginning this area was mostly populated with outsourcing companies delivering alternatives to other corporations willing to save on production costs or other fields. Some international companies dared to explore this potential and, encouraged through consistent incentives scheme, decided to progressively extend their reach. The IT&C investments in Romania gradually revealed some local initiatives which mainly evolved on grounds of enthusiasm, hard work and great IT skills.

Technology investments in Romania rely also on state aid schemes that are guaranteed on condition that a number of jobs are made available and some legal requirements are obviously taken into consideration. The great perspective that opens in here still remains the most tempting part as the cost effective procedures for founding and running such a business in this area are balanced and even outbalanced by the overwhelming intellectual potential. The IT&C investments in Romania’s great benefit is the fact that IT engineers in here are amongst the best in the entire world. Apart from mature and already highly trained individuals this country also provides a large number of promising young professionals who can be easily spotted especially in international competitions. Such is the case of Ionut Budisteanu, a 19-year-old Romanian, who received an Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award in 2013. This case is just an example out of many others proving that education, in this area is consistently supported by genuine talent and ambitious goals.

Technology investments in Romania – specialists in a competitive market

Also of great importance for the technology investments in Romania is its people’s ability to culturally merge with various influences. Being so eager to experience at various levels but also able to ingest the newly acquired information, the IT specialists in here prove ready to cope with niche technologies or other specific perimeters that might seem difficult to grasp at first sight. Last but not least, this country provides an increasing number of startups which are both inspiring and revealing for the IT&C area. Being such a constructively malleable technological conscious, Romania gradually assimilated western patterns and adapted them to local conditions, frequently coming with astonishing original ideas sustaining and developing this specific domain. Technology investments in Romania are more and more diverse but always need a clear understanding of the financial and legal background. The European Economic Community also comes with some extra stipulations which might strongly influence certain technological fields, imposing in that respect the necessity of professional legal help. Our lawyers may provide any legal detail related to this topic trying to guide all our customers towards unequivocal success.

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